Dear Host Family

Are you looking for a Japanese native Au Pair?

Japanese nationals are internationally known as very polite, respectful, and hard working.
If you are looking for an Au Pair and interested in learning about an Asian culture, then gaining a Japanese national Au Pair may be a wonderful choice for you and your family.

About Au Pair Japanese Connection (AJC)

Akiko Imairi Selmon

AJC has been recruiting Japanese Au Pairs, as a certified representative, for one of the most prominent and government authorized Au Pair agency’s within the United States, InterExchange Au Pair USA.
AJC’s executive director is Akiko Imairi Selmon, a Japanese national and founder, of AJC’s study abroad agency and consultant firm; AJ Selmon International LLC is located near Dallas, Texas.
Further, Akiko’s experiences include time served as a local coordinator for the InterExchange Au Pair USA program within the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and their surrounding areas.
She has also consulted with thousands of international students, researchers, and professional throughout her career as a former International Center Assistant Director with Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL.

AJC carefully reviews each Au Pair candidates’ credential application; personal conduct through a face to face interview, by our Japan based staff members and provides pre and post arrival orientations.
Our job at AJC is to maintain the highest quality standards to our clients in lieu of our Japanese Au Pairs and to educate prospective Au Pairs about the US culture, its myriad customs and most important, their prospective host family’s needs and expectations.

About InterExchange Au Pair USA

InterExchange Au Pair USA

Our partner Au Pair agency in the U.S. is InterExchange Au Pair USA.
InterExchange Au Pair USA is a New York based non-profit organization with over 40 years of cross cultural exchange experience.
The Au Pair USA Program is one of the largest and most respected au pair programs in the world that is wholly dedicated in making the Au Pair USA program an amazing experience for every participating family and their Au Pair.

Benefits of using InterExchange Au Pair USA

  • Non-profit organization
  • All new Au Pairs must complete a 3 day New York training before arriving to host family
  • Competitive program fees and institutional support
  • Dedicated coordinator to better serve each family’s unique needs

Interested! For further information please contact InterExhchange Au Pair USA for questions and or comments at 1-800-AU PAIRS or 1-800-287-2477.

The Application Process

AJC’s Japense Au Pairs will register themselves within the InterExchange system as soon as we positively screen their background eligibility and personality fit.
Participating host families also need to register within InterExchange to complete their application process.
Upon confirming match with a potential Au Pair, the host family needs to contact the program administrator to confirm their choice.
All finalized documentation and program fees will be sent InterExchange Au Pair USA.

Take an action!

If you are interested in hearing more information about our Japanese au pairs, please contact us at info@aupairjapanese.com . Thank you and we look forward to serving your family’s needs!
